Analyzing and measuring the impact of external debt on economic growth in sudan, an econometric 1992-2021.

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سليمان خليفة مردس عجب
Dr. Mutaz adam abdalraheem Mohammad


The study aimed to demonstrate the impact of external debt on economic growth in sudan during the period 1990-2021 and shed light and identify the size external indebtedness in sudan and the problem of the study was addressed in the question , what isthe impact of external debt on growth the economy in sudan during the period 1990-2021, and is there a balancingrelationship between external debts? economy growth in sudan ,and the study used the descriptive analytical approach in the study because it is more the curricula are widely used in the state of social and human phenomena ,and it is appropriate for the phenomenon that is the subject of the thesis to clarify the size and development of external debt and its enemies in sudan and is impact economic growth , the method is used but I build a standard model to measure the impact of external debt and economic growth by testing the relationship causality between the to variable , and secondary sources were used in the study, among the important results of the study: the value of the coefficient of public debt reached (-820005) which is a negative value and indicates the presence of a high family among the public debt and economic growth , as you imagined the rates of public debt , the rates of economic growth are increasing , and this is not consistent, one of the most important recommendations of the study is to direct the public debt to the productive sectors instead of the consumer sector , in order to have a positive impact on economic growth, and the receipt of foreign debts the from of production inputs even contributed to the production process rather than the cash payment they are used in the process of purchasing consumer goods and services.


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How to Cite
عجب س. خ. م., & Mohammad, M. adam abdalraheem. (2023). Analyzing and measuring the impact of external debt on economic growth in sudan, an econometric 1992-2021. Ibn Khaldoun Journal for Studies and Researches, 3(4).


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