الوسائل الدولية لمكافحة جرائم الفساد
محتوى المقالة الرئيسي
تعد جرائم الفساد من أخطر الجرائم على المستوى الوطني والدولي فضلا عن انتشارها الرهيب بسرعة ولأجل التصدي لها، نتطرق في هذا البحث الى بيان تعريف الفساد وصوره وخصائصه والأسباب التي أدت إلى انتشاره وأنواعه وآثاره المدمرة على المستوى الاجتماعي والاقتصادي والقانوني والسياسي ومدى تأثير جرائم الفساد على العلاقات الدولية، والتي بينتها اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لعام 2003م والاتفاقية العربية لعام 2010م، وتطرق البحث إلى أهم الآليات الدولية في مكافحة الفساد من خلال المعاهدات الولية والمنظمات الدولية الحكومية مثل صندوق ألنقد ألدولي ومؤسسة ألبنك الدولي، أو غير ألحكومية مثل منظمة الشفافية ألدولية. ونتناول في هذ البحث على المستوى الدولي تجربة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في مكافحة الفساد، أما على المستوى العربي استعرضنا التجربة السعودية، ثم تطرقنا الى مكافحة هذه الجريمة في العراق، وانتهى البحث بخاتمة واستنتاجات ثم التوصيات.
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Ali Mabadah, Adam Noah, Concept and Standards of Administrative Corruption in Islamic Legislation, Damascus University of Economic and Legal Sciences, Journal No. 2, Vol. 21, Damascus, University of Damascus, 2005, p. 413.
Dogs, Said Yusuf; and others, The Role of Modern Techniques in the Detection of Fraud and Corruption, paper presented at the Scientific Meeting organized by the Arab Group of Supreme Financial and Accounting Oversight Bodies, Cairo, Central Accounting Office, 2006, p. 3.
Al-Mokheel, Mahmoud Abdul, Concept and Norms of Corruption, Arab Future Magazine, No. 309, Beirut, Centre for Arab Unity Studies, 2004, pp. 34-35.
Qasim Beidoun, Vadiya, Corruption, Most Outstanding Crimes and Remedies, Dar Al-Halabi Publications, Beirut, Lebanon, 2013, p. 235.
Musa Faraj, "Corruption in Iraq: The Ravages of Example and the Chaos of Governance," Publications of the Rossim Publishing and Distribution House, Baghdad, Iraq, 2015, p. 34.
Mohamed Samar Daghmesh, to deal with financial and administrative corruption, criminal confrontation and the consequences of financial corruption, publications of the Centre for Arab Studies for Publication and Distribution, T1, Al-Qahrah, 2018 m, p. 53.
Mohamed Ali Soelm, Criminal Policy in the Fight against Corruption, Comparative Study in the Light of International Conventions and Anti-Corruption Laws, Egyptian Publishing and Distribution House, T1, Cairo, Egypt, 2008, p.71.
Ayfa Mohamed Reza, Criminal Response to an Employee's Assault on Public Money, Arabic House of Renaissance Publications, T1, Cairo, Egypt, 2009, p. 13.
Hosni, Mahmoud Najib, Commentary to the Penal Code, General Section, Arab Publication and Distribution Publications, T5, Cairo, Egypt, 2018 M, p. 54.
Ashraf Chali, Nicolas, Crimes of International Corruption and Legal Means to Combat It, Itrak Printing, Publishing and Distribution Publications, T1, Cairo, Bank 2012, p. 2293.
Nazar Al-Anabki, International Humanitarian Law, Dar Wael Al-Nash, Tail, Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, 2010, p. 413.
-Mohamed Hassan El-Jowhar, Corruption and Its Impact on Economic Development, University Think Tank, T1, Alexandria, Egypt, 2017, p. 3322.
Harun, Mohamed Eyad, Effectiveness of Arab Criminal Legislation in Combating Corruption, Journal of Sharia Science and Law, vol. 43, Supplement 4, 2016, p. 477.
Mohammadi, Hasan Valley, Administrative Corruption in the Language of Interests, University Publications, T1, Alexandria, Egypt, 2008, p. 81.
Hassan, Youssef Hassan, Administrative and Economic Corruption and Illegal Gain and Ways to Combat It, Daral University Publications, T1, Alexandria, Egypt, 2011, p. 454.
Al-Derbi, Mohamed Sadiq, Abdul Al, Crimes of Corruption between National and International Control Mechanisms, Publications of the National Centre for Legal Publications, T1, Al-Qahrah, Bank 1212, p. 2334.
Saeed, Mohamed Hassan, International Law for Combating Corruption Crimes (MA thesis), University of the Middle East, Jordan, 2019, p. 57.- Ali Mabadah, Adam Noah, Concept and Standards of Administrative Corruption in Islamic Legislation, Damascus University of Economic and Legal Sciences, Journal No. 2, Vol. 21, Damascus, University of Damascus, 2005, p. 413.
Kullab, Said Yusuf; and others, The Role of Modern Techniques in the Detection of Fraud and Corruption, paper presented at the Scientific Meeting organized by the Arab Group of Supreme Financial and Accounting Oversight Bodies, Cairo, Central Accounting Office, 2006, p. 3.
Al-Mokheel, Mahmoud Abdul, Concept and Norms of Corruption, Arab Future Magazine, No. 309, Beirut, Centre for Arab Unity Studies, 2004, pp. 34-35.
Qasim Beidoun, Vadiya, Corruption, Most Outstanding Crimes and Remedies, Dar Al-Halabi Publications, Beirut, Lebanon, 2013, p. 235.
Musa Faraj, "Corruption in Iraq: The Ravages of Example and the Chaos of Governance," Publications of the Rossim Publishing and Distribution House, Baghdad, Iraq, 2015, p. 34.
Mohamed Samar Daghmesh, to deal with financial and administrative corruption, criminal confrontation and the consequences of financial corruption, publications of the Centre for Arab Studies for Publication and Distribution, T1, Al-Qahrah, 2018 m, p. 53.
Mohamed Ali Soelm, Criminal Policy in the Fight against Corruption, Comparative Study in the Light of International Conventions and Anti-Corruption Laws, Egyptian Publishing and Distribution House, T1, Cairo, Egypt, 2008, p.71.
Ayfa Mohamed Reza, Criminal Response to an Employee's Assault on Public Money, Arabic House of Renaissance Publications, T1, Cairo, Egypt, 2009, p. 13.
Hosni, Mahmoud Najib, Commentary to the Penal Code, General Section, Arab Publication and Distribution Publications, T5, Cairo, Egypt, 2018 M, p. 54.
Ashraf Chali, Nicolas, Crimes of International Corruption and Legal Means to Combat It, Itrak Printing, Publishing and Distribution Publications, T1, Cairo, Bank 2012, p. 2293.
Nazar Al-Anabki, International Humanitarian Law, Dar Wael Al-Nash, Tail, Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, 2010, p. 413.
-Mohamed Hassan El-Jowhar, Corruption and Its Impact on Economic Development, University Think Tank, T1, Alexandria, Egypt, 2017, p. 3322.
Harun, Mohamed Eyad, Effectiveness of Arab Criminal Legislation in Combating Corruption, Journal of Sharia Science and Law, vol. 43, Supplement 4, 2016, p. 477.
Mohammadi, Hasan Valley, Administrative Corruption in the Language of Interests, University Publications, T1, Alexandria, Egypt, 2008, p. 81.
Hassan, Youssef Hassan, Administrative and Economic Corruption and Illegal Gain and Ways to Combat It, Daral University Publications, T1, Alexandria, Egypt, 2011, p. 454.
Al-Derbi, Mohamed Sadiq, Abdul Al, Crimes of Corruption between National and International Control Mechanisms, Publications of the National Centre for Legal Publications, T1, Al-Qahrah, Bank 1212, p. 2334.
Saeed, Mohamed Hassan, International Law for Combating Corruption Crimes (MA thesis), University of the Middle East, Jordan, 2019, p. 57.